Data Protection Solution

Can You Afford Not To Implement Data Protection Solutions?

Data protection is not a luxury — it is an essential component of the business operation. A leak in sensitive data such as customer information, financial data, client profiles, order histories, or medical and health records can shatter customer confidence and result in serious legal infractions. Data protection solutions are an integral part of business continuity and disaster recovery planning, ensuring minimal loss in the event of a catastrophe.In addition to being a vital part of disaster recovery, data protection solutions are also geared toward keeping data safe from unauthorized access. Protecting sensitive information like patient records is essential for a business to maintain trust among its clients and in many cases, mandated by law. Encrypting network communication creates a safeguard to prevent malicious users from accessing private data and personal information. Encrypted and secure network resources are also part of business continuity and disaster recovery planning. Malicious users can wreak havoc on systems that result in significant downtime.Crosspoint Solutions is a leading provider of data protection solutions as well as business continuity and disaster recovery planning. Utilizing comprehensive data protection solutions in conjunction with efficient IT architecture is the best way to keep security measures commensurate with company growth and change.

Responsive Data Protection Solutions

Data security is often an afterthought. To save money, hardware is added onto existing systems and processes to manage the systems and data become complex and inefficient. This is not proper implementation, especially to achieve true business continuity and disaster recovery planning. Just like an insurance policy, effective data protection solutions are vital in times of need. If a malicious user or external threat compromises mission critical systems, data protection solutions are the best safeguard against downtime and information loss.

For this reason, safeguards need to be as flexible and well maintained as the systems that they protect. This is precisely the reason Crosspoint Solutions provides thorough assessments and ongoing managed IT services to keep systems protected as they change and grow.

Vital Factors to Consider For Data Protection Solutions

Information growth is an aspect that is easy to overlook but has real consequences if not handled adequately, as corporate information growth averages between 50% and 80% a year. Protection systems that are appropriate for today have to be scalable for tomorrow’s needs, and this is where cloud computing comes in to play.

Business continuity and disaster recovery planning provide the foundation for creating custom data protection systems. Obviously, every company wants to keep trade secrets and sensitive information out of the hands of competitors and hackers. On the other hand, it is just as important that those systems and files are available for use even in times of crisis. Nearly 60% of companies are unable to recover after a major disaster. Implementing strategic data protection solutions is the best way to ensure that your business does not become a statistic.

Compliance, Asset Utilization, and Operational Efficiency

Data protection solutions also provide benefits in the areas of operational efficiency, asset utilization, and regulatory compliance. Effective asset utilization and operational efficiency necessitate viable data protection solutions. Otherwise, vital systems are vulnerable to failure, malicious users, or data corruption and loss. The storage, transmission, and utilization of information are built upon the foundation of reliable IT architecture.

Government and industry regulations are part and parcel of many industries, ranging from financial, medical, and legal firms. Record retention, HIPPA standards, and communication recordkeeping are requirements for these types of firms. The loss of this information, or even worse, having records leaked, can have dire consequences for companies and clients alike. Data protection solutions, in addition to business continuity and disaster recovery planning, play a major role in keeping records safe and secure for as long as industry or government regulations dictate. Data loss can undo years of careful recordkeeping and meticulous documentation.

Crosspoint Solutions offers a wide range of data protection solutions to keep data safe and secure. Whether a company needs to protect data from loss or theft, maintain records in compliance with regulations, or just have effective and efficient asset utilization, Crosspoint Solutions has products and managed services available. Combined with business continuity and disaster recovery planning, data protection solutions provide the comprehensive answers to IT issues.

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