Server Infrastructure

Streamline and Automate Server Deployment and Management

Server infrastructure is a critical element of any organisation’s technology environment. Yet it is often relegated to the status of plumbing – something no one notices unless it stops working. Servers need to support your organisation’s business objectives in a changing world. Constant availability is a prerequisite and security is essential.

Building technology to improve business performance requires deeper integration, new capabilities and greater flexibility.

To maintain a flexible workforce, organisations require 24×7 remote access to email, critical business data and applications, while IT managers look to server consolidation and virtualisation to increase the utilisation of expensive server resources.

At the same time, the scale and complexity of server environments require you to spend ever more time and resources to stay in control. Maintaining these systems through multiple toolsets and manual processes is costly, time consuming and error prone.

Crosspoint Solutions Dynamic Systems Solution improves server lifecycle management by minimising the risks and inefficiencies associated with server deployment and management, while enhancing IT productivity and business agility.

The award-winning solution offers a cost-effective, efficient and structured approach to automatically deploying, securing and centrally managing the physical and virtual server deployment throughout an organisation.

We have developed a set of best practice guidelines, processes and supporting technology based on our experience gained in rolling out many server deployment projects around the world.

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